Thursday, 7 January 2016

Mock Exam

Mock Exam 

The final style i tried is the Harris Shutter Effect, i used three different images of my sister and copied each one onto a different channel. I like this image as it gives a slightly surreal effect and is very interesting to look at 

I experimented this effect using different images, each giving a different outcome.

Mock Exam

Mock Exam 

The next style i attempted was the watercolour effect, to do this i created my own brush strokes and scanned them into the computer. I like this style because there are so many different out comes.

This is an image of the different brush strokes i used. To make them into brush tools, i selected which  brush stroke i wanted and went edit, define brush preset and gave each one a name.

This is my final image, i used the image of the face and out it not the centre, as the image looked like it was missing something.

Mock Exam

Mock Exam 

I decided to try three different styles of editing to produce multiple outcomes. First i attempted a double exposure, using different landscapes but the same face. I decided to try and make my work slightly surreal by turning the landscapes upside-down but the face the right way up. 

In this image i used a landscape with a very blue sky, i feel that this makes the image look quite sad and emotional, as the  colour blue is associated with sadness and despair. However this image could also be viewed as powerful, as the clouds in the sky look almost dangerous and the faint features of the face look slightly ghostly. 

In this image, the colours are very warm, calm and beautiful, this makes the image very welcoming and happy. I also turned this landscape upside-down to again give a surreal look to the image. The faded face in the centre almost looks like a drawing.

This is a trial of the final image, i didn't use this image because you struggle to see the features of the face. 

This is another trial for double exposure, i don't really like this image as you can't see the features of the face and there us a very harsh outline. 

I like this image because you can see the face clearly and the colours of image are very bright yet calm.
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