Wednesday 2 December 2015

Long Exposure

Painting with light

After watching a video on how to paint with light, I decided to try it out.

I first attempted to use a 30 second exposure and capture my sister in the photo 3 times by shinning a light on her and getting her to move around the garden whilst the shutter was open.

 My second attempt was using an old toy and a small torch. Whilst the shutter was open, i drew an outline around the teddy's head with the torch.

My last attempt was outside in my field. My sister and I both held torches and ran around creating a painting with light. Lastly I used a torch to draw an outline of my sister.

I also tried using a slow shutter speed whilst in the car, taking a picture as soon as I saw some car lights, traffic lights or any other bright lights.

Contact Sheet:

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely brilliant, well done for having a go here. You definitely understand how to do this. If you want to push yourself you should leave the garden and try to find some locations out and about. Remember the contact sheets
