Monday, 9 May 2016

Triple exposure

Triple exposure:

To create these triple exposed images I used a standard roll of colour film, but I shot with a very low exposure, since I was going to use the film anther two times. After shooting with the film once, I found a dark place and used a pair of tweezers to pull the film out of the canister and reloaded it in the camera. I did the once more and these were the results.
My own images:

Friday, 6 May 2016

Analogue photo shoot

Black and white analogue photo shoot.

I took inspiration from Adam Panczuk, who shows the connection people have with the land in Poland. I used high quality black and white film, which resulted in a sharp, contrasted finish.    


Artist research

Adam Panczuk:
Adam Panczuk (1978) lives in Warsaw. In his work he travels to wherever he finds an interesting subject. He studied photography at the Multimedia Communication Department of Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan.
With his projects Panczuk seems to be asking questions, both directly and metaphorically, about identity, consciousness and attitude towards the lives of the people he meets along his way. Adam is a member of Sputnik Photos.


Marcelo Monreal is a Brazilian collage artist who cracks skulls in the most beautiful way possible. Digitally splitting parts of models and celebrities faces (Christopher Walken and Kate Moss are among them), he fuses beautiful blooms with the broken shapes. Small, colorful flowers grow from behind eye sockets, in the place of noses, and out of mouths. This surreal series is called Faces [UN]bonded.

Cal Redback:
The collection of ‘treebeards’ sees the union of the human face and plant life, with half or parts of the features removed and replaced by the wild growth of greenery. Overall, the metamorphosis of mortal characteristics into alternate botanical life forms unite two categories of existence into one, redefining the term ‘human nature’ as a seemingly new species of hybrid creatures.